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Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sep 2010
Posts by : Admin
Cleaning of Fruits
Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly by soaking with soap or in diluted detergent solution. Drain completely after washing. Wash fruits and vegetables in running tap water.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Sep 2010
Posts by : Admin
Where to Buy Foods
The market is the usual place where food items and supplies are bought. At the market, perishables and other staple items are cheaper than the corner store. In large shopping malls, the supermarket is the best place to shop for groceries. There are other types of stores where one can shop for foodstuff such as convenient stores, cooperatives, specialty stores and delicatessen, among others.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Sep 2010
Posts by : Admin
The Newborn Baby
All babies have the right to be well-born. Therefore they must be given extra care and protection, especially before birth and infancy. We are all aware that many babies die due to lack of knowledge and concern of parents. It is therefore necessary that parents be well informed about the growth and development of a baby from the moment of contraception up to the time that the infant is born. Such knowledge and information will give the parents the assurance that the infant is developing normally.
Taking care of a newborn includes bathing, feeding, wise choice of clothing, healing the navel, simple remedial measures in case the baby is sick and immunization.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Sep 2010
Posts by : Admin
Guidelines in Buying Poultry
Poultry is the general term fro domestic birds including chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese and game hens. Poultry is classified according to breed, weight and age. Younger poultry have the tenderest meat. Poultry is sold live, whole, dressed, drawn and cut in pieces.
Fresh poultry is creamy-white, smooth to touch, purplish in color and its flesh is plump and firm. The skin of frozen poultry should not have any dry areas. No fresh or frozen poultry should be purchased when the package is torn or leaking, to avoid the danger of microorganisms.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Sep 2010
Posts by : Admin
Child Discipline
The real function of discipline is constructive correction of any misbehavior of a child. It is providing the child with the right direction and control necessary for decision-making especially with respect to rules and authority. With discipline a child understands his/her limitations and gives him/her a sense of security.
In establishing discipline parents and other people in-charge of taking care of the child should know the value of praising any act, initiative or positive behavior that a child may manifest. To children praising means love and concern.
When physical punishment is necessary, it must be appropriate for the gravity of offense and should be explained why it is being done to show him/her that the parent is really serious about the matter. Punishment should be used sparingly to avoid strained relationship between parent and child.
At this stage of development, adolescents ned encouragement and guidance in the complex process of growing up. Some negative attitude to be avoided by parents are over protectiveness, permissiveness and favoritism which are hindrance in administering discipline in children. Parents should be consistent and firm if they expect discipline to be effective.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Aug 2010
Posts by : Admin
On-the-job Training Policy
On-the-job training is governed by different policies which the apprentice must be aware of. These policies were set and formulated for the purpose of controlling and managing apprentices when they are on duty. Usually whoever offers an on-the-job training is the one setting and implementing the policies.
There are certain policies which pertain to
1. Rules to observe while on training like
a. punctuality
b. dress code
c. how to deal with customers-ethics
2. Duties and responsibilities towards the
a. job
b. customers
c. co-workers
d. employer
3. Working conditions and working time such as
a. 8-5 working time
b. hospitalization benefit
c. vacation leave
d. absences
4. Salaries and other benefits like
a. 13 month pay
b. no work no pay
c. holiday pay
d. allowances, tips, and bonuses.
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