Sunday, April 25, 2010

Basics Components of Electronics

Electronic components are those parts of a product used in electronic process.

1. Resistors - devices made of materials u/c resist or oppose the flow of electric current.

*As to type, resistors are classified as;

A. Fixed Resistors - where valves are find and constant.

B. Variable Resistors - where resistance can change vary through manual setting.

* Accdg. to structure

A. Carbon Resistors - where resistance is device from a color coded carbon.

B. Wire wound Resistors - where resistance is derived from a length of wire wrapped around the core and covered w/an insulating materials.

2. Capacitors - electronic components u/c have the ability to store electrical changes or voltages.

Types of Capacitors According to Insulating Materials

1. Electrolytic

2. Mylar

3. Polyester

4. Air

5. Mica

6. Tantalum

7. Ceramics

8. Paper


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